If you would like to know the difference between M&M’s® and MEMS this course is for you.
During course “Micromechatronics and MEMS” you will learn the basics of modeling of MEMS. You will know not only how to apply the scaling laws in the design process, but also why larger potatoes are peeled faster.
The models of microaccelerometers, piezoresisitive, capacitive and piezoelectric sensors and electrostatic microactuators will be presented and you will be able to use them in a professional manner as a designer of MEMS products. The real design problems during labs will be solved and you will apply MATLAB® to perform engineering calculations. Real data and real design problems of modern contemporary mechatronic products will be solved in an engineering way with the use of basic knowledge in the area of mechanics, mechanical and electrical engineering and basic numerical methods. Simple but robust and easy to use models will be the basis for more advanced design methods, especially for students of the programmes “Mechatronic systems engineering” (ME8) and “Modelling and simulation of mechatronic systems” (ME3).
Teaching modes and hours
15 h lectures
15 h projects
Pons J.L., Emerging actuator technologies: a micromechatronic approach. John Wiley&Sons, 2005.
Uchino K., Giniewicz J.R., Micromechatronics. CRC Press, 2003.