Field of study: Mechatronics
Programme: Mechatronic systems engineering (ME8) Semester: I ECTS credits: 4 Course instructor:
dr hab. inż. Wacław Kuś Prof.
Pol. Śl. Course description
The aim of the subject is to familiarize students with the basics of Finite Element and Boundary Element Method. Discussed are issues related to the method of weighted residuals. Sample applications are presented both for FEM and BEM applications.
The laboratories allows student to familiarize with FEM commercial software. The BEM analyses are performed with in house codes. The project is focused on individual solution of chosen problem with use of FEM software.
Teaching modes and hours
15 h lectures
30 h projects
15 h project
Chandrupatla T.R., Belegundu A.D., Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Prentice-Hall Inc, 1991.
Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor R.L. The Finite Element Method, Vol. 1-2, Butterworth, Oxford 2000.
Beer G., Smith I., Duenser Ch., The Boundary Element Method with Programming For Engineers and Scientists, Springer, 2008.
Larson M. G., Bengzon F., The Finite Element Method: Theory, Implementation, and Applications, Series: Texts in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, Springer, 2013.
M. Kleiber and others, Handbook of Computational Solid Mechanics, Springer, 1998.