The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basic several stages of product life cycle.
The product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from introducing on the market, through engineering design and manufacture, to service and disposal of manufactured products. PLM integrates people, data, processes and business systems. There are several models allowing to manage the product life-cycle.
Product life-cycle management gets many benefits:
Reduced time to market and prototyping costs,
Increased full price sales,
Improved product quality and reliability,
More accurate and timely request for quote generation,
Ability to quickly identify potential sales opportunities and revenue contributions,
A framework for product optimization
After completing the course, students should be familiar with the way of product management at every stage of its life on the market and be able to react to market changes. The proper reaction is possible if student is able to apply appropriate management models to solve problems.
Teaching modes and hours
15 h lectures
15 h projects
Stark J., Product Lifecycle Management, Springer, 2015.
Saaksvuori A., Immonen A., Product Lifecycle Management, Springer, 2002.
Baker M., Hart S., Product Strategy and Management, Prentice Hall, 2007.